"Karmanyevadhikaraste ma phaleshu kadachana, Ma karma phala hetur bhurmatey sangostva akarmani."

Xpath in IE

 u can download Fire to chdck xpath
or iedeveloper toolbar
or firebug lite

interview qns-8

what is http, server?
d/f between get and head
what is u r approcah whn testing mobile applications

differences in ios o/s when testing
what kind of security tetsing u d id?
In your regression how u r test cases are classified
what kind of test cases u put in ur regression
how long the regression run?
challenges faced when developing key word driven

tell me about yourself

  1. Speak of how you completed projects on time and under budget.
  2. Tell them how you increased sales revenues for two straight quarters in a row.
  3. Describe of how you came up with a new procedure that saved the company money.
  4. “I have been in the customer service industry for several years and most of my experience has been dealing with calls from our customers. I truly enjoy working with the people in this business as well as the challenges. In my last job, the good relationships I formed with my customers resulted in me holding the highest customer retention rate of everyone else in my department.”
  5. “One of my best strengths is my attention to detail. When I set out to work on a task or project, I always make sure it get’s done on time.”

selenium interview qns

. How do you start Selenium RC?
2. How do you connect Data base from selenium
3. How do you handle Ajax controls using selenium?
Eg. By typing in search engine how do you capture the auto suggestion
4. How do you select the 2nd item in a List box or drop down.
5. How do you identify an object using selenium?
6. How do you capture an element loading after the page load?
7. Brief about your framework
8. What is the difference between assert and Verify Commands?
9. Explain about your reporting method
10.How do you verify an object presented in multiple pages.
11.What are the locators available in Selenium?
12.What is the difference between single and double slash in Xpath.
13.Brief about Selenium Client.
14.Did you write any User Extensions.
15.What are all things can not be done through selenium IDE
16.Brief about Selenium Grid.
17.Is it possible to start the Remote engine more than once in an instance.
18. How to use selenium for performance testing
19. How to start the selenium server from your language class?
20. Is it possible to handle multiple pop ups in selenium?
22. Give the benefits of SQL Stored procedure in selenium?
23.What are the difficulties or challenge you faced in selenium?
24. How do you check a single test method in multiple browser?
25. What is the annotation you use to connect the Spread sheet in Junit.
26.Brief about Junit annotations.
27.How can we speed up the selenium script execution?
28.If the default port of selenium is busy then which port you use?
29.Explain types of SQL joins.
30.How do you handle the secured connection error in HTTPS?
31.How do you compare two strings or values are same.

qa experience

I have been working in QA from last 7 years having good experience  in manual and automation testing. Experinece working on various domains and different type of web based aplications . have very good knowledge of sdlc end to end testing of verious qa processes like waterfall, agile
hands on experince in building automation framework with all latest open source technologies ..last project was with wells fargo and before that worked in visa

Wellsfargo, I worked in a project named ceo portal, a web based appliction where commercial users like small companies register with wellsfargo will get access to a personalized portal it's a single point of access for all their company  finacial services like manage payables, employee pay roll services, business travel expenses, health saving administration for their employees,  check company balances, genere tetreasury  reports, ach tranfers, wire transfers, Insurance services etc..
  I worked in 1. Wire transfer service, wires queues panel, there is a small panel dispalyed in portal where users can  approve or reject outgoing wires and monitor wire activity in thier company accounts from desktop or mobile .In the company, not everyone have the similar authorisations, company owner can set authorisations,any no.of verifiers in order for wire to go through or reject for added security. .whenever there is wire initiated by any of the accounts, the wire will go into queue and needs approval from other verifier.
 there are many services available for transfering money include domestic transfer, international transfer etc with  same day transfer or future dated transfers for fast ness and relaibility.
qa has to make sure unauthorised persons can't access the service and how various type of wires acting and data verification of wire being created etc..
2. Secure Validation which was called oobv in previous versions , out of band validation which comes into picture when, suppose the owner of company wants to do some wire transfer, he doesn't need anyone's approval.so he set his authoristion with 0 verifiers.in tht case to  add 2nd level of security, when he initiate a wire he get a call or message to his registered phone with a code, he has to enter that code in order to complete the transaction.there r many business rules assocaite with this code delivery.
Tested this functionality manually, automated it and run on multiple browsers, multipole ios devices.

selenium interview qns

maximize window

date is shown , u want to format it to -5 days

google type a key word how do u do

how u get name from a table

suppose u have element in 2 nd row now moved to 5th row..how u do?
different type of assertions in junit

what jars u se to read from xl

where u keep the data after u read from xl
what method to use for refresh
how to get the name only from meeraja2233

key word driven framework how u get a aparticular cell data

in jenkins how u get the reports

testng annotations

differenes in rc and web driver
which version web driver u used
page object model

differences when u test in cross browser when testing with selenium

SVN-Sub Version

It is a centralised repository keeping all the team members work in it so that iits easy to access eevryone's else work and to be n sync. each time when member make some changes it will be saved with a version number and keep all the versions.
Subversion is an open source version control system

imp links on java

Collections well explained

building framework- import mvn project from svn

Data driven framework with poi

Reading data from the Excel

We need a way to open this Excel sheet and read data from it within our Selenium test script. For this purpose, I use the Apache POI library, which allows you to read, create and edit Microsoft Office-documents using Java. The classes and methods we are going to use to read data from Excel sheet are located in the org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel package.

How to do it…

1) Download JAR files of Apache POI  and Add Jars to your project library. You can download it from here. That’s all about configuration of Apache POI with eclipse. Now you are ready to write your test.
2) Create a ‘New Package‘ file and name it as ‘testData’, by right click on the Project and select New > Package. Place all of your test data in this folder (package) whether it is a sql file, excel file or anything.
3) Place a Excel file in the above created package location and save it as TestData.xlsx. Fill the data in the excel like below image:
4) Add two constant variables (testData package path & Excel file name) in the Constant class.
5) Create a ‘New Class‘ file, by right click on the ‘utility‘ Package and select New > Class and name it as ‘ExcelUtils. First we will write basic read/write methods.
6) Once we are done with writing Excel functions we can go ahead and modify the SignIn_Actionmodule to accept the test data from excel file.
Note: In the later chapters we will see how to parameterise the row column as well, as we also have to avoid hard coded values in the scripts. This is just to give you an idea to use Excel and we will move forward step by step towards proper framework.
7) Create a ‘New Class‘ and name it as Apache_POI_TC by right click on the ‘automationFramework‘ Package and select New > Class. In this we will read the values from the Excel sheet to use them as the test data and write the test result in the Excel.
Give it a run, see how beautify your script will execute the code.
8) Once it finished open the Excel file and check for the result.
Your Project explorer window will look like this now.