"Karmanyevadhikaraste ma phaleshu kadachana, Ma karma phala hetur bhurmatey sangostva akarmani."


ANT is build in compile tool. to run my program thro command prompt..
when code deployed on linux or unix and we can execute the prog using ANT
help run code independantly,
don't require  Eclipse

download and configure ANt and add build.xml file and chnge the class path parameters
change 4 properties jar file locattion and reports directory
in CMD, give commands like Ant, Ant complile,, ant run, ant clear etc..
usinf html report generation u will know which tests passed

Building bat file :

open cmd, open notepad
check the path of project whre build.xml lies
go to that place in cmd, ant clean and after that ant compile and then ant run..
now in notepad, just give the instruction as we just did and save as "Junit_samplebatfile.bat"
notepad content looks like:

cd c:\WorkSpaces\Meeraja
ant clean compile run

save on desktop and when double click on it will autorun all cmds..