"Karmanyevadhikaraste ma phaleshu kadachana, Ma karma phala hetur bhurmatey sangostva akarmani."

selenium interview qns

1. What is fluent wait in Web driver?
2. what are listeners in Web Driver, how we can use?
3. What is Hash Map and Hash Tables?
4.  What is ThreadSafe?
5. What is the Frame your using Junit or TestNg?
6. How to handle Ajax controls?
7. What are dependency Injections?
8. How to find out no. of rows in a WebTable.?
9.How to find out no.of columns in a Web Table?
10. Explain about your framework?
11. How to Class and Test in TestNg?
12. Inheritance,polymorphism,object, class, method, Abstractions, Encapsulations, Collections,?
13. can we call a private variable from one class to another class.?
14. How do you Start testing with Automation.?
15. What type of scenarios can be automated and what can't ?